our fourth fun

Welp, I'm back.  We spent a week in Omaha at the end of May working on our duplex and then closed on our MN house June 4th.  We haven't had much time to sit and talk... much less upload photos and blog.  There have been many 8-12 hour days put in working at our new house, but we finally moved in at the end of last week.  We are feeling more settled each day but have many hours of work ahead of us.  There's a long before and after(or "progress") post coming soon, but I have to go to IKEA this morning to return and buy different kitchen shelves with Gramps and the babe.  That's not a chore.  It's no secret that I love going to IKEA, at least on a weekday morning.

On to the fun part.  My dad showed up yesterday morning at our house.  Total surprise.  He needed a Heidi fix while everyone else in our family is out of town.  And... Heidi is totally obsessed with him because seeing him means eating out of his cereal bowl, going on lots of walks, getting soaking wet many times daily and the PARK!

We had a relaxing and beautiful 4th of July! Hope you did, too!  Here are a few photos of our afternoon outside.  And a sneak peak of the hard work being done on our siding before we finally get to paint our house.

Heidi is 17 months next week and full of energy and spirit.  I am constantly busy with her, but it's fun.  Her babbles are turning into words that we can understand: cheese, keys, please, teeth(all "sheeeze") and many more.  I do hope the whining will slow down when she can communicate her wants and needs better, though!

I'll be back with A LOT of house photos soon, I promise.


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