Heidi loved every minute of halloween this year. From her costume to trick-or-treating("tick-a-cheat" is how she said it!). Walking from house to house and putting a piece of candy in her pumpkin and loudly saying "Peeeaaas," which means
please and
thank you, was so fun for her. And I'll admit that Travis and I... okay, mostly just the pregnant lady... ate her candy. She didn't notice that it got replaced with a small bag of graham crackers. I'll enjoy that, because it's probably the last and only year I will get away with it. When I was little, I used to keep my candy hidden in my bedroom under lock and key.
Photo by Emily Vennerstrom |
Photo by Emily Vennerstrom |
Photo by Emily Vennerstrom |
Photo by Emily Vennerstrom |
Cousin Lydia happened to have the same exact costume this year, so of course we had to dress them up after Sunday brunch and get pictures! Thanks for the adorable photos, Emily. We love "Iddie" and Heidi asks to look at these photos just about every day.