jane: two months old

Jane is two months old today.  Two months old!  I was telling a friend 
this morning that I can hardly believe it's been two months already 
and yet it feels like it's been six months at the same time. It's been
a pretty trying adjustment for us... or maybe mostly me. Heidi
has had some big changes in her life over the past month that have
 added to the stress of having a newborn(no paci, toddler bed...!), but 
we can save that for another post.

Jane, you've grown  A LOT!

12 lbs 9 oz --- 94th percentile
22.75 inches long --- 74th percentile
15.5 inches around your cute noggin --- 74th percentile

You sleep 6-8 hours straight at night. Mama thinks that's 
something to brag about. Let's take a day at a time,
though, because I know that could change. 
You love to take naps in the wrap or ergo carrier and
I love having your baby smell waft around my face.
You are a calm, sweet cherub. 
You love to smile and coo at your sister and daddy. I'm already
so excited to see you and Heidi interact. Heidi calls you "sis," or more
recently, "baby." Maybe someday soon she'll say your name! 

We are excited to see what your third month holds. But, no rush.
We want to savor your cuddles and coos. 


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